U.S. Endoscope Repair Industry is Led by Texas

The U.S. endoscope repair market will touch USD 990.7 million, advancing at a 10.4% compound annual growth rate, by 2030.

The growth of the industry is ascribed to the existence of reputable companies; the surging incidence of malignant gastrointestinal, respiratory, and colorectal illnesses; the increasing count of hospitals; and the enhancing services of healthcare.

Moreover, the mounting elderly populace is likely to boost the count of diagnostic, as well as illness-preventive treatments, resulting in increasing endoscope utilization. This will ultimately lead to worn-out or overused endoscopes, therefore, boosting the requirement for endoscope repair in the nation.

In recent years, the flexible category, based on type, led the industry, and it will remain leading in the years to come. Flexible endoscopes enable examining indications with tiny invasiveness, delivering targeted drugs, and diagnosing pathology.

In the past few years, Texas accounted for the dominating share of the industry, and it will further advance at the highest rate in the years to come. This can be mainly attributed to the existence of a large number of elderly populace, as well as the high occurrence of cancer in the state.

It is because of the mounting count of progressions in the country’s medical device sector, the growing acceptance of equipment insurance, and the increasing fondness for minimally invasive approaches, the U.S. endoscope repair industry will continue to advance in the years to come.

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U.S. Endoscope Repair Industry is Led by Texasultima modifica: 2023-12-07T08:44:38+01:00da pnsintel
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